Saturday, November 21, 2015

The Twelve Days Of Thanksgiving….Day Seven

When we became snowbirds in Florida it was like coming home as so many of our friends were already in the area.
Moving to a new area does give one a chance to meet some new friends and I have been lucky in that regard.
I have met new friends through some of my long time friends.

I belong to a card group and that is how I met Pat and Marion Gallagher.

I also met Chuck and Mary Odders through my long time friends John and Lynn Maher. Turns out Chuck was a friend of my sisters in Jr. and Sr. high school
Quilters are such friendly people. I wish I had a picture of our whole quilt group but since I don’t I’ll have to share a few pictures of those I get together with outside of our quilt meetings for lunch….and you all know “Ladies Who Lunch” is one of the most important jobs for Florida ladies!
Beth and Pete Sherman are great friends. I met Beth through our quilt group when she welcomed me to the first meeting I attended.
I met Robbie Porter Payne when she gave a presentation to our quilt group. Little did we know that we had been part of a group quilt coordinated by another BFF Tommy Fitzsimmons and we had spent a lot of time talking by email.
Nancy Burkhalter is another friend I met through Beth Sherman. She was a snowbird but now is at home in Florida.
Debbie Jones and I met at a fiber art retreat and have kept in touch and seen each other many times. She lived in Florida but now is back home in New Mexico. This picture was taken as she was leaving after she was my houseguest last year.
Teddy Pruett and I are new old friends. We met years ago at a Jinny Beyer Seminar at Hilton Head and have renewed our friendship here in Florida.


My newest new friends, just met them on 11/21/2015! Carol Williamson and Kathy Metelica Cray.
I am going to try and drop a few more names of new friends even though I can’t find pictures of them!
Carol Gordhamer, Tommy Fitzsimmons, Karen Blachowiak, Kay Webb, Peggy Smalser Ehrlich, Marilyn Kosmider,  Sandy Donabed, Betty Freese, Carol Baxter, Donna Oxandale, Jane Badura and so many more. Many of my Florida friendships fit into more than one of these groups of friends.
Then there is a group I call The Village People Girlfriends. I knew two of them before I moved here but met the rest and love them all.
When I start to make these lists it really makes me realize even more how many friends I have and that I have even more to be thankful for.

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